
If you like to co-operate your validator with us, you will need the Kubernetes CLI tool, which is called “kubectl”. You will find it for any major OS in the app repositories homebrew (MAC), apt (Debian/Ubuntu), Snap, …

Your validator gets an namespace in our cluster, for the docs we assume it’s name is “helium-validator-123”.

Prepare your local config to access our cluster

  1. Copy the config file to your machine, e.g. to /tmp/kube-custom-remoteendpoint.conf
# export KUBECONFIG=/tmp/kube-custom-remoteendpoint.conf
# kubectl cluster-info # To check if you can connect

Here are some snippets to certain tasks:

Copy the Swam Key of your validator to your local machine.

With this key you can switch to another validator provider without restaking your HNT:

kubectl -n helium-validator-123 cp $(kubectl -n helium-validator-123 get pods -l -o jsonpath={}):/var/data/miner/swarm_key ./helium-validator-123-swarmkey

Describe your Validator Container

$ kubectl -n helium-validator-123 describe pods helium-validator
Name:         helium-validator
Namespace:    helium-validator-123
Priority:     0
Node:         svr001/
Status:       Running
      cpu:  3500m
      cpu:     1300m
    Liveness:  tcp-socket :2154 delay=180s timeout=1s period=180s #success=1 #failure=3
      NAT_INTERNAL_IP:   (v1:status.podIP)

You can find many technical info in this output, “Status: Running” means that the container is “alive” from an infrastructure perspective.

Access to the validator CLI

# kubectl -n helium-validator-123 exec -it deploy/helium-validator -- sh

/opt/miner #

This will give you a shell in the validator container. There you can execute the “miner” command (yes, that’s the validator, too).

Sample CLI Command

# miner peer book -s
|                        address                         |         name         |listen_addrs|connections|  nat  |last_updated|
|/p2p/1ZC9vaYc1XakhXXAQshah2gw34QaKsvZjQkf9NdRZ|lazy-operator-company|     1      |     3     |unknown|  16.642s   |